Apex Legends S7 | Olympus Solar Array
The central landmark here was a big Solar Panel building by Brooke Olson, I made its base and surroundings.

The central landmark here was a big Solar Panel building by Brooke Olson, I made its base and surroundings.

The central landmark here was a big Solar Panel building by Brooke Olson, I made its base and surroundings.

The central landmark here was a big Solar Panel building by Brooke Olson, I made its base and surroundings.

Entrance from another area, this served as my first little vertical slice area.

Entrance from another area, this served as my first little vertical slice area.

Underground passages.

Underground passages.

Underground passages.

Underground passages.

The steamy recesses of the middle area.

The steamy recesses of the middle area.

Apex Legends S7 | Olympus Solar Array

I had the opportunity to work and develop the style for the Solar Array drop location in Olympus. I owned taking it from Level Design Blockout all the way through Final Art. Throughout, I'd do world building, terrain work, building base work, material work (typically updating or making variants of existing textures), upholding clean gameplay feel, 1st pass lighting, polish/optimization. I was the first to jump on this style of terrain, so I established its look and feel that was carried over into other areas where these battery buildings are used. A lot of the assets and materials used here are pulled from our team's library.

Final Lighting by Austin Arnett
Level Design by Dave Osei
Env Art Direction by Robert Taube and Lewis Walden


Environment Art Team

Robert Taube
Jose Zavala
Lewis Walden
Mike Altamirano
Kristen Altamirano
Tri Do
Jake Virginia
Austin Arnett
Tragan Monaghan
Paul Tran
Brooke Olson
Hans Myaard
Eugene Kim
Leah Augustine
Jobye Karmaker
Richard Rude
Marcos Shih