Panorama captured by Robert Wilinski
Panorama captured by Robert Wilinski
Panorama captured by Robert Wilinski
First 10 minutes of this video is my level
On Bracca's Intro Worksite, the first ~15 minutes of the game, I was the Environment Art map lead from early design blockout all the way through final polish and bug fixing. I blocked out the whole level and created modular proxies to be delegated out (while keeping certain key pieces for myself to final such as the main large Wing we navigate, the giant trench pillars, etc.). From there, I handled a lot of the World Building and set the visual bar we needed to hit for our different areas all while keeping memory and performance in check and upholding gameplay.
Core Bracca Intro Team:
Sr Level Designer - Jamie Uhrmacher
Sr Environment Artist (Map Lead) - Jobye Karmaker
Environment Artist - Evan Cwiertny
Sr Lighting Artist - William Schilthuis
Sr Skybox Artist - Hanhee Lee
With support from:
Alberto Rodriguez (Master material setup, Venator Tail/Tower/Body)
Robert Wilinski (Base materials, terrain mats, vista props)
Bruno Werneck (Concept support)
Chris Sutton (Art Direction)