Heaven Falls (System Era Summer '23 Game Jam)
Main Menu screen I did up (world building, sky/lighting, UI art + scripting)

Main Menu screen I did up (world building, sky/lighting, UI art + scripting)

Win Screen I did up (world building, sky/lighting, UI art + scripting)

Win Screen I did up (world building, sky/lighting, UI art + scripting)

Defeat Screen I did up (world building, sky/lighting, UI art + scripting)

Defeat Screen I did up (world building, sky/lighting, UI art + scripting)

Gameplay Map I did up (borders of arena/sky/lighting). Gameplay arena grid was handled by Ant Coleman.

Gameplay Map I did up (borders of arena/sky/lighting). Gameplay arena grid was handled by Ant Coleman.

Main Menu in motion

Defeat Screen in motion

Win Screen in motion

We didn't win any awards this time around, but we did get Runner Up for 'Best in Show'!

We didn't win any awards this time around, but we did get Runner Up for 'Best in Show'!

Heaven Falls (System Era Summer '23 Game Jam)

Had the chance to participate in System Era's bi-annual game jam that happens in both Winter and Summer! This Summer one was my 2nd one and was a ton of fun. It's a chance for anyone in the studio to get together and produce a game in 4 days. It's a good time to get out of your comfort zone, learn new skills, try different disciplines and push our creativity as a studio!

Along with my teammates, we produced Heaven Falls:
You are a The Gardener living in his home in the sky when invaders start appearing to destroy your garden and home. It's up to you to repel the invaders and defend your home!

Our team was:

Jobye Karmaker (Main Menu UI Art & Scripting/Sound Sourcing, Implementation & Scripting/Env Lighting/Arena World Building/VFX)

Ant Coleman (Team Lead - Design/Programming/Scripting)

Matt Olch (Character Modeling/Texturing/Animation/Rigging/Trailer)

Colin Pyle (Programming/Scripting)

Larry Colvin (Sound Creation & Sourcing/Narrative)
To get a head start with our limited time, we used these two art asset packs that we modified as needed:

Isometric World - Sky Temple: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/isometric-world-sky-temple

Pro Icon Pack: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/pro-icon-pack